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I don’t know about you, but the about pages are my first stop on most websites. I want to see the people behind the machine. Because that’s where any company, technology, or community on the web really begins. With the people.

So with that – hi!

I’m a technology and communications enthusiast who’s made a living for 20 odd years out of passion, trust, and understanding. That’s right. No degree or insane natural skill got me where I am today – simply a passion for sharing ideas and knowledge, using trust as the foundation for my relationships with others, and my belief that understanding people–really understanding them–unlocks immense potential for all of us.

I’ve used these cornerstones to rise through the corporate ranks of many large companies and build successful followings with a few of my own small ventures.

What I’m working on right now:

Avvy.Pro – a professional competency platform for lawyers that allows them to assess, manage and improve the competencies that matter most to working lawyers. It currently supports thousands of lawyers across Canada and the US. – Standpoint is a consultancy that provides data management help to organizations and firms in the legal profession.

My Linkedin profile is a good next stop if you’re interested in my professional background, and you can read my ramblings at some of the other links below.

Thanks for dropping by.


1 thought on “About”

  1. And that’s the very best way to live, through passion. Whatever someone does with passion is easily going to the heart and lives therefore even of people not specifically interested in “your subject” That’s the magic about it all. Keep going! Just one soul, surfing the internet who got your message. Greets from Argentina.

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